Our new mobile app let’s you refine the way you schedule recreation with convenient access to your account from wherever you are.
Now you can view classes, buy passes, and reserve a spot from your mobile phone. There’s no longer a need to arrive early and wait in line. Review our new policy here.
Log-in to your account without the hassle and register for programs at your convenience, you can even enroll sub-members. Never miss your favorite recreational class again.
View how many private lessons you have under your account and purchase new lessons for Aquatics, Personal Training, Golf, Squash, and Ice Skating.
Use your existing online credentials to log-in and manage your account. You can update your information, view your previous transactions, and make payments.
Make your next reservation from your mobile phone. Members can reserve a squash court for one hour at a time when you log-in to your account and select "bookings".
With the mobile app, all you need is your log-in credentials to purchase day passes and monthly passes quickly and efficiently. Head to the Temporary Pass page for more information https://www.mitrecsports.com/join/day-and-temporary-passes/
See what classes and programs are happening for the semester. Just select "Classes" for the Group Exercise schedule or "Programs" for all Instructional Programs.