March 3, 2017
The Best Water Bottle for Your Fitness Style

It can be so confusing to stare down a row of water bottles at your favorite sport supply store. There are countless options now, to help battle all hydration needs. In fact, they can be so different that the only thing they seem to agree on is: hydration is key to health. We agree too! (How much I key? A good guideline is to try to drink about 2 liters per day, plus whatever fluid you lose through exercise.) But, back to the point, which is the best water bottle for you, and your fitness style?

You: Commuter with a bag that could save you in the zombie apocalypse.
Your water bottle style: Something light, to fit in with all the rest of your essentials when empty.
Best bets: Find something plastic that is BPA free, maybe even collapsible for space saving. A straw is a nice feature to help you remember to drink more throughout the day.
A great option: Bubi Bottle (

You: Logging miles every day for the next 10k/marathon/triathlon.
Your water bottle style: Something you can use for long runs, at the gym and at your desk.
Best bets: A water bottle with running in mind makes it easy for this bottle to double up functions. Something with a handle for easy carrying and maybe a pocket for keys/gels/phones.
A great option: Nathan Sports Quick Draw Plus (

You: The aesthetics of your things are important to you, down to the last gym detail.
Your water bottle style: Something on trend, likely made of glass with a silicone cover, or that brand that’s all over Instagram at the moment.
Best bets: Water bottles don’t have to be bland, all sorts of glass versions are in stores that make it easy to carry the bottle from spin class to the power-lunch, through to post-work social time
A great option: Swell bottle (

You: Outdoors every weekend with a daypack, friends and maybe a dog by your side on the closest trail or mountain.
Your water bottle style: You need something rugged enough to bounce down the trail and keep your water cold for hours.
Best bets: Insulated metal water bottles.
A great option: Hydro Flask (
Which is your best water bottle? Have you tried any of these? Let us know!
*This is not a sponsored post. MIT RECREATION claims no association with any of the brands named here. Please make your own best decisions for your fitness needs.
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