Can students receive PE Points for MIT Recreation classes?
Undergraduate students can receive Alternative PE Points for participation in personal training, group exercise and private swim lessons. For detailed information, please visit the MIT PE website.
What do MIT Recreation facilities have to offer?
MIT Recreation’s main facilities include the following:
Zesiger Center, W35, 120 Vassar St.
- Multi-Activity Court (MAC)
- 50 meter pool with diving boards
- Separate 25 yard teaching pool
- 6 international squash courts
- Massage Suite
- Two floors of cardio, strength & conditioning areas
- DuPont Athletics Center, W31/W32: 2 Squash courts, 2 multi-purpose rooms, T-Club Lounge (studio), 2 Full Sports Courts, Wrestling Room, Fencing Room, Indoor Golf Range,
- Johnson Athletics Center, W34: Indoor Track (200Meters), Seasonal Ice Rink
- Rockwell Cage W33, 3 Full Sports Courts
- All Gender locker rooms:
- All-Gender & Family Locker Room (shower, restroom, and lockers) Pool Office Corridor | W35-166
- All-Gender Restrooms (no shower or lockers) 2nd Floor Fitness | W35-271 & W35-269
- All-Gender & Family Changing Rooms (no restroom, shower, or lockers) Johnson Ice Rink | W34-105 & W34-106
Alumni Pool and Wang Fitness Center, Building 57, 32 Vassar St.
- 6 lane 25 yard pool
- Separate teaching pool
- 1 floor of cardio, strength & conditioning areas
- Group exercise room/dance studio
- Cycle Room
Do I have to be a part of the MIT Community to join or drop-in?
You do not have to be affiliated with MIT to become a member or to use MIT Recreation facilities. Those non-affiliated with MIT can purchase a Friends of MIT membership or a temporary pass.
How can I help others benefit from MIT Recreation programs and services?
There are many ways that you can help MIT Recreation spread health and wellness throughout our community. You can bring Wellness Your Way to a convenient space, gather at a free ENGINEERyourHEALTH event, or sign-up for The MIT Recreation Ambassador Program.
About MIT Recreation Ambassadors
The MIT Recreation Ambassador Program was created for members who are passionate about inspiring our community to find balance, manage stress, and enhance their overall well-being through participation in recreational activities. Learn More Here, or if this sounds like the right program for you, Sign-up Here.
Am I a member if I am an MIT Student?
Yes, it’s that simple!
MIT full-time students have a membership included in their “activity fee”. So, all you need to do is stop by the main desk at the Z Center or at Alumni/Wang and sign our electronic waiver. Then, our staff will add facility access to your MIT student ID.
How do I obtain documentation for health insurance reimbursement?
Your membership payment history can be found in your Membership Profile under Statements. Payment documentation should be sent directly to your insurance provider. If your provider requires additional documentation please email memberservices@mit.edu. Unfortunately we’re not able to provide or sign-off on attendance.
For more information on the MIT Fitness Benefit visit the MIT Health page.
What is the membership cancellation and refund policy?
To cancel your membership, a 14 day notice prior to your next billing date is necessary. If within 14 days, you will be charged a last month’s payment.
If you are canceling a membership while still under contract, a $50 cancellation fee will be collected along with a final month’s payment.
If you have an auto renew membership that is post contract, there is no fee for cancellation. A final month’s payment will be collected as scheduled if within 14 days of your billing date.
Members that cancel due to leaving their position at MIT, a relocation of 25 miles or more away from MIT or due to a medical reason may cancel without penalty. Proper documentation must be provided to waive the $50 cancellation fee. Documentation must contain proof of relocation, change in employment status or medical reason (change of address form, job acceptance letter, utility bill, doctor’s note, etc.), documentation can be submitted during the membership change form submission process. If proof is not provided, a $50 cancellation fee will be applied in addition to a final month’s payment.
You or your estate may also cancel this contract for any of the following reasons: (a) if upon a doctor’s order, you cannot physically or medically receive the services because of significant physical or medical disability for a period in excess of three months; (b) in case of your death; (c) If the health club services to be provided under this contract are not available because the seller fails to open a planned health club or location, permanently discontinues operation of a health club or location, or substantially changes the operation of a health club or location (d) If you move either your residence or your place of employment more than twenty-five miles from any health club operated by the seller or a substantially similar health club which will accept the seller’s obligation under the contract
How do I upgrade or downgrade my membership?
Patrons may request an upgrade/downgrade of membership type by completing our online Membership Change Form no later than 30 days prior to your current expiration date.
What if I’m no longer an MIT Employee but want to continue my membership?
You are eligible to remain in your Faculty/Staff membership for 30 days after your next membership billing date. Paid in full members can remain in their membership for 30 days after their last day of employment. After 30 days, members will be transferred to the appropriate membership type based on their affiliation with MIT. Members without affiliation will be eligible for the Friends of MIT membership type.
If your ID card stops working you’ll still be able to access our facilities. If you’re unable to obtain another MIT ID (e.g. Alumni ID), we’ll provide you with a MIT Rec Sports membership card that will replace your expired MIT Employee ID.
What is the auto-renewal membership option?
The auto-renewal membership provides a greater level of ease and flexibility for members. It eliminates the need to go through the renewal process each year. After 12 months the membership is no longer under contract. After auto-renewal members have completed their initial 12 month term, they can cancel their membership without penalty by completing our membership change form no less than 14 days before the next billing date.
Available for faculty/staff/postdoc/retiree, alumnus/a, affiliates, and friends of MIT memberships.
Do you offer complimentary towel service?
We offer an optional paid towel service to members and MIT students. For day and month pass users, we offer towels for purchase at a discounted rate.
Towel Fees:
- Students = $3.95 per month
- Non-Students = $4.95 per month
- Non-Members and Temporary Pass Holders = Towels available for purchase for $2.95
How do I sign-up for towel service?
Inform a staff member at any of our entrance desks. Towel service will be billed to your account on a monthly basis. A payment method on your membership account is required to enroll. If you don’t have a credit card or bank account on file, you can add one to your account online.
Can I put my membership on hold?
Members are allowed to make two nonconsecutive hold requests per year in monthly increments for up to 90 days, a $10 monthly fee will be billed each month the membership is on hold. There are no hold fee refunds for early reactivation requests. Holds will go into effect on your next billing date (1st or 15th of the month). For more information, please view the policies section of our membership page.
Private Swim Lessons
How do I sign up for private swim lessons?
Private Lessons can only be purchased through our Mobile App or in-person at one of our main Member Service desks at the Z Center or Alumni/Wang.
To express interest in private lessons, email privateswim@mit.edu and we will let you know if we are currently taking on new clients. If we are accepting new clients we will reach out to gather information on your needs and start the matching process. Private Lessons can only be purchased through our Mobile App; however, you will only purchase a package after we match you with an instructor.
How long does it take to start private swim lessons?
The length of time it takes to be matched can vary depending on our staff and your availability. The more availability you give, the higher the chance you will be matched with an instructor in a shorter time frame.
When can private swim lessons be scheduled?
Generally, private lessons can be scheduled anytime that the pool is open and an instructor is available, but there are some days and times when scheduling can be challenging. *Challenges regarding pool space: varsity teams, events, group lessons, youth-restricted hours, PE classes, and other pool rentals such as scuba, metro polo, research teams, camp, etc.
- Youth Restricted Hours – During the academic year youth under the age of 18 are not allowed in the Zesiger building between 5:00 – 7:00pm. During this time youth lessons can only be scheduled at the Alumni Pool.
What if I purchase a private swim lesson and am not able to be matched with an instructor?
If we are not able to place you with an instructor within the time-frame you need we offer a full refund of lessons purchased. We are also able to transfer purchases to group lessons or other activities.
Will my lessons always be at the same time?
It is our goal to keep scheduling as consistent as possible, but every instructor’s schedule is different and some instructors are able to be flexible with lesson time changes when needed.
What if I miss a swim lesson or class?
If you need to cancel a private lesson please contact the instructor directly as early as possible. Lessons canceled with less than 24 hour notice may still be charged. Missed lessons or “no-shows” will always be charged in full. Please be respectful to your instructor and their time by keeping cancellations to a minimum and contacting them as soon as a cancellation is needed.
Do parents get in the pool with young children during swim lessons?
Generally parents are not needed in the water with children for a private lesson, but we always want to work within the best interest of the child and encourage parents to be in the water if helpful. However, all parents must remain in the Aquatics area during lessons for supervision of children who are under the age of 18 years old.
Members are allowed to swim during the lesson, but must remain available should they be needed by our instructors. If non-Members wish to swim during lessons, they must purchase a day pass.
Are towels provided?
Members are able to select as an add on fee to their membership towel service. More Information
If anyone forgets a towel one can be purchased at the Membership Desk for a small fee.
How long are Private Lesson Purchases valid for?
Unless noted all Private Lesson packages expire one year after purchase.
Group Swim Lessons
At what age can I start registering my family for group lessons?
Here at MIT Recreation, we offer a variety of age-appropriate group swim lessons. Below are the age ranges for our class categories.
- Parent-Child swim classes for ages 6 months – 3 years old (25min classes)
- Beaver swim classes for ages 3 years – 5 years old (25min classes)
- Youth Level swim classes for ages 5 years – 17 years old (varies, between 45min-1.5 hours)
- Adult swim classes for ages 18 years and older (1 hour)
When is registration?
- We have 7 different registration periods (Q1, Q2, IAP, Q3, Q4, Summer A, Summer B). Please sign up for the Aquatics newsletter and the registration date and times will be listed on it when announced
- Adults: members can sign up one hour before non-members
- Youth: Family members can sign up one hour before non-members.
What level do I register for?
- If you are enrolled in a MIT group swim lessons, talk with the instructor to know the appropriate lesson for you or your child
- If you are not enrolled in MIT group swim lessons, email aqualessons@mit.edu and we can guide you on level placement.
Are there make-up classes if I miss one?
We do not schedule make-up classes if the participant can’t make the scheduled class. If we have to close the pool for an emergency, we will either provide a partial refund or a makeup day.
What is the refund policy?
Email aqualessons@mit.edu at least one week before the first day of class if you would like a full refund. If you give 72 hours‘ notice, you will receive a 50% refund. There are no refunds after that period.
How do I register my child on Club Automation?
Whoever is taking the class must have a profile on the account to be able to register. They do not need to be a member to register, but to receive the discount you must hold a family membership and have all profiles activated.
How long are the sessions?
Sessions are typically between 4-6 weeks. Participating in one session does not guarantee a spot in the next session. Refer to question 2 for registration details.If the classes are full, email aqualesson@mit.edu to be added to the waitlist. We will reach out if a spot opens up before a session begins.
Am I allowed in the pool or on the deck near my child’s lesson?
Yes, parents are required on the pool deck during their child’s lesson at all times, we require parents to stay on the sidelines and not interrupt the class. If you are taking a parent-child class you need to be in the water at all times.
Am I allowed to take pictures during my child’s lesson?
No for the safety and comfort for all children and staff we do not allow photography on the pool deck, we will ask you to stop if we see you taking a picture.
My child wears a diaper, is this allowed in the pool?
To reduce the possibility of water contamination we ask that all swimmers not completely toilet trained wear a swim diaper covered by tight fitting re-usable swim diaper with a plastic lining.
Instructional Programs
If I register after the class has started, can I pay a pro-rated fee?
We do not pro-rate classes, it’s best if you sign up ahead of time. If you do end up signing up after the class has begun, you will still pay the full fee.
Do I have to attend every class to be able to register?
No, we prefer you do attend as many classes as possible, but realize things do come up.
Are there make up classes if I miss one?
We do not schedule make up classes if the participant can’t make the scheduled class, but we try our very best to reschedule all classes if they are cancelled due to weather or other circumstances beyond our control.
Can I rent my own lane?
We do reserve pool space for internal/external user groups. Please email aqua-request@mit.edu to learn about insurance needs and pricing.
I want to test a research project in the pools, can I reserve space?
Please reach out to MIT Aquatic Management via email at aqua-request@mit.edu to discuss the reservation process and learn about the required documentation/pricing. The Pool Schedules can be quite busy, so please reach out at least 2 weeks in advance to schedule.
What are the most important things to know before my first visit to MIT’s Aquatic Facilities?
We are excited you chose MIT Recreation and our Aquatic Facilities. Below is a list of the 8 most hot ticket items to know before stopping by:
- Check the Online Pool Schedule before each visit. ***Make sure you refresh the page if it’s been a while.
- Photography is not allowed in the Pool Areas for the protection and privacy of all.
- Take a cleansing shower right before and after your swim to help keep the water clean for everyone.
- Youth under the age of 18 are not allowed in the Zesiger Center during the Academic Year, Monday – Friday 5:00pm – 7:00pm. Youth are allowed in the Alumni Pools during this time.
- Brush up on our Pool Rules and Policies.
- Our pools vary in depth from 3.5 foot all the way to 14 foot. Keep an eye out for the depth markers around the pool deck.
- Non-Swimmers and floatation devices are not allowed in the competition/lap pools. A brief Swim Assessment may be required.
- Parents are responsible for the supervision of their own children. Lifeguards are present to prevent accidents and respond to emergencies.
What might cause a pool to close unexpectedly? Can I stay updated on last minute closures?
MIT Aquatic Management and Facilities Team work hard to ensure all pools are operational with temperatures and chemicals within safe ranges, however, unforeseen issues do arise that require pools to close and current schedules adjusted. Below is a listing of some reasons our pools may close.
- Emergency situation (fire, weather, medical, equipment malfunction, etc.)
- A Chemical imbalance
- Chlorine levels too high (above 3.0ppm) or too low (below 1.0ppm)
- Bodily substance contamination
- CDC Recommendations to close pool
- MA Department of Public Health Protocol
- Unexpected staff call out
We try our best to send out an Alert Message via our “Inside Aquatics” newsletter when our pools close. Patrons can join the newsletter by following this link to our Contact Page and looking for the “Inside Aquatic” section.
What is Rec Swim?
Recreational Swim or “Rec Swim” is time on the pool schedule when members and guests are welcome to swim, including lap swim, family swim and aqua jogging. While MIT Recreation Private Swim Lessons may also be conducted at this time, lessons from non-MIT instructors are not permitted.
We rely on all swimmers to work together to maximize the available pool space.
Why isn’t every lane open for Rec Swim?
MIT Recreation is proud to offer the greatest number of Recreational Swim lanes and number of Rec Swim hours per year for our Students/Staff/Alumni/Community Members in comparison to other Aquatic Facilities in the Greater Boston Area.
MIT Aquatic Management utilizes patron use data when scheduling external groups and we strive to limit large external events to 1 per month when possible. High-use times, such as Youth Restricted Hours (Mon-Fri 5:00pm – 7:00pm at the Zesiger Center), are utilized by MIT Varsity Teams and we are honored to facilitate our award-winning student athletes. Our Aquatic Facilities can be quite dynamic as we accommodate over 150 internal/external user groups, and we highly recommend checking our Online Pool Schedule before each visit.
Would it be possible to play music during rec swim hours?
Music can be played in the Zesiger Center via the natatorium sound system. MIT Aquatic Staff have control of the music being played. Please ask a Deck Manager or Lifeguard if the music is too loud. Patrons may also bring in small waterproof personal speakers or headphones to use during Rec Swim.
When does the Zesiger Pool change to Long Course?
Most often the pool is configured in Long Course between late December and early January and from early May through mid-August.
My child wears a diaper, is this allowed in the pool?
To reduce the possibility of water contamination we ask that all swimmers not completely toilet trained wear a swim diaper covered by tight fitting plastic, rubber or vinyl cover. Appropriate plastic, vinyl/rubber covers can be purchased at our member services desk and are found most infant/toddler retailers.
What is the Double Swim Diapering Policy?
The Double Diaper Policy is a way to prevent fecal accidents in the pool.
Here at the pool, we require non-potty trained children (and adults) to wear disposable(no cloth) swim diapers. Along with a vinyl swim cover or re-usable(non-porous) diaper on top of the disposable swim diaper.
Other Tips to go along with our Double Diapering Policy:
- Take children to the bathroom before swimming
- Check diapers every 2-5 minutes to prevent leaks.(Swim diapers only prevent leaks for 2-5 minutes)
- Fit the swim diaper completely over disposable or waste might escape
- All Diapers should fit snugly to avoid leaks
Human Fecal Matter Will Cause The Pool To Close!
Do I have to be in the water with my children during recreational swim?
Adult supervision is required for children 17 and younger in same pool area at all times. We request that all non-swimmers be fitted with a U.S. Coast Guard approved flotation device and stay within arm’s reach of an adult.
What are the lengths of the pool lanes and how many laps is a mile?
The Alumni Lap Pool, Zesiger Teaching Pool, Zesiger Competition Pool (Short Course), and Zesiger Dive Well (Short Course) are all 25 yards in length or 22.86 meters. The Zesiger Competition Pool when in Long Course is 50 meters or 54.68 yards.
1 Mile is equal to approximately 70 laps in the 25-yard pools.
1 Mile is equal to approximately 32 laps in the 50-meter pool.
What temperature are the different pools kept at, and how are they chosen?
At the Zesiger Center, we have 2 pools, the Competition Pool and the Teaching Pool. The Competition Pool is kept between 79 degrees and 82 degrees, which is a great temperature for our Varsity Athletes as well as other high-intensity swim workouts/competitions. The Teaching Pool is kept between 85 and 88 to accommodate lower-intensity workouts and our Learn to Swim Program.
The Alumni Pools are kept between 79 and 85. We always like to target the water to be at 81 degrees but things change depending on the weather and season.
What is the Chlorine/PH concentration of the pools?
Certified Pool Operators under the MIT Department of Facilities professionally maintain all MIT Pools. Our safe chlorine ranges align with Massachusetts Pool Code at 1.0ppm – 3.0ppm and a combined chlorine of 0.0ppm – 0.2ppm. PH Is kept in the range of 7.2-7.8.
Our chlorine is calcium hypochlorite.
Are the Starting blocks available for use during Rec Swim?
Starting blocks may not be used during Rec Swim. Confirmed reservations through MIT Aquatic Management may be granted access to use the Starting Blocks as long as an approved coach/instructor is present.
Where is the Pool Schedule and when can I come swim?
Our Online Pool Schedule, including the current 4 weeks of availability and closures, can be found on the homepage of this website or by following this link. Open Rec Swim availability is shown as a Blue outlined box, while pool closures or reservations will be shown as Red outlined or Grey boxes.
***Please refresh the website/tab often to ensure the most up-to-date information.
***Please make sure the date you are viewing is correct, especially on Monday mornings.
How do I know if a pool or lane is open when I am on deck?
At the Zesiger Center when you exit the locker rooms, look for the red Informational Boards for current open pools and directional arrows. Each lane will have a yellow speed sign (Slow, Medium, Fast) if the lane is available for Rec Swim. Lanes or Pools marked with a red sign are Closed or will be closing soon. Please ask a Lifeguard or Deck Manager if you are unsure. Swimming in a pool not supervised by an MIT Lifeguard is prohibited.
Are there quiet times I can come swim?
While we can’t see the future, historical patron count data shows lower use time in the Zesiger Center Pools Mon-Fri 8am-11am, 2pm-4pm, 9pm-11pm, Sat 1:30pm – 9pm, Sun 2:30pm – 11pm and the following times at the Alumni Pools Mon-Fri 9am-12pm, 3pm-5pm. We recommend scrolling through the Online Pool Schedule and looking for times with multiple blue “Open Rec Swim” lanes.
Do you have a Pool Lost and Found?
If you left a towel, shoes, or other equipment on the Zesiger Pool Deck, we have a lost and found located near the Lifeguard Office on the pool deck. Please ask a lifeguard or Deck Manager if you need assistance. Items left in the Pool Locker rooms are normally given to the Main Desk.
Please check with the Front Desk Staff or a Lifeguard if you left behind any items at the Alumni Pool.
Do you have any equipment/toys I can use or can I bring my own?
Yes, we do have equipment you can borrow during Rec Swim. We have multiple bins located around the deck with kickboards, pull buoys, and aqua jogging belts. We also have a bin dedicated to just flippers at the Zesiger Center if you want to include them in your workout. At the Zesiger Teaching Pool, we have an assortment of pool toys located near the lifejackets but please do not use any equipment or toys in the cabinets. You may bring equipment and toys from home as long as they are clean and do not violate safety rules.
Who can I contact for concerns or positive comments about Aquatic Staff/Operations?
Please reach out to the MIT Aquatic Management Team via email at Aqua@mit.edu.
Open Recreation
How do I reserve court space?
You have the option to come in as desired and utilize the available court space based on our Open Recreation Schedules. If you would like to reserve a specific space to ensure availability, please see below.
Squash reservations are available on the hour, one hour at a time. Active members can make reservations by phone at 617-253-9485, or login to your account and click on the scheduler.
Indoor tennis reservations, in the Tennis Bubble (W-53), can be made during the 30-week season October – April by calling 617-253-1451. Outdoor tennis court reservations (summer only) are available by calling the Vassar Street Member Services Desk at 617-253-9485.
Facility reservations for groups and special events are also available. Please see our Rentals & Reservations page for details.
Additional reservations:
- Other Facility rentals email mdufour@mit.edu
Group Exercise
When can I reserve a spot in class?
Class reservations open 6 days before the class official start time. Class reservation is open until 1 minute before the class start time or until the class reaches maximum enrollment.
Do I have to have a smart phone or device to reserve a spot ahead of time?
No. You can reserve a spot in class online through our website or in person at either the Vassar Desk or Alumni Wang fitness desk.
If I make a reservation in advance, is my spot guaranteed?
Your spot is only guaranteed if you are on time for class.
Can I cancel my reservation?
Canceling enrollment for a class can be done either online or through the MIT Recreation app by clicking on the class you enrolled for and following prompts to cancel.
If I reserve a spot online, do I need to still check in at the desk before class?
Yes! Check in will being 5 minutes before the class official start time. Please provide your first and last name when checking in.
What if I can’t make it to class and did not cancel my reservation?
If you were not able to cancel your reservation and do not show up for class, you will be charged a ‘No Show Fee’. All participants must check into each class to avoid accruing a No Show Fee.
Can I try a Group Exercise class for free?
Our Group Exercise schedule will often list any free classes that we offer. Members or Temporary Pass holders are welcome to register for those classes until they reach capacity.
Do I need to bring my own mats or equipment?
No, MIT Recreation will provide the equipment you need for class. All you need to be prepared is proper workout attire, shoes, and a water bottle for all classes. Barre, Pilates, and Yoga do not require shoes during class.
Can non-members participate in a group exercise class?
Non-members can participate in Group Exercise classes. Create a Club Automation account, download the MIT Recreation Mobile application, then register for classes. The fee includes the group exercise class fee as well as the day pass fee.
Class packages and unlimited monthly passes are not available for guests/non-members.
Personal Training
How do I get started with a personal trainer?
You can purchase personal training packages online or in-person at one of our main member service desks. You will be contacted within 3 business days to begin scheduling your sessions. When you get to start depends on a few things: how soon you return our forms, if you need a physician’s consent, and the availability of the trainer and yourself.
After purchasing your desired package of private training, you will be sent a registration packet with important medical documents, a goals sheet, and a contract to complete. These are used to match you with the best trainer based on your schedule and goals.
To purchase online, follow these instructions:
- Log into your account
- Choose Account Information
- Choose “Buy Series Sales”
- Drop Down Module, select “Scheduler”
- Drop Down Service Category, select “Personal Training”
- Service, select the appropriate item & hit submit
- Now select the package you would like to purchase and “add to cart”
- Make Payment
Note: Sessions cannot be scheduled through the scheduler feature and participants will be contacted by one of our staff.
What should I consider when purchasing a personal training package?
You should consider your personal training experience (beginners often start with longer sessions) and your personal goals. If you need help figuring out which direction to take, consider a Fitness Assessment or email our Personal Training Program with any questions.
Is personal training offered for teenagers?
Personal training for children between 13-17 years old is offered. In order for your child to join you on the 3rd floor fitness space outside of the youth restriction hours, they must participate in teen personal training which is a chance to educate teens on appropriate fitness center etiquette, proper exercise technique and safety.
Ice Skating
What should I wear when skating?
Gloves or mittens are recommended. Wear clothes that do not hinder movement. Dress in layers so you can adjust your temperature. It is better to wear thin socks or tights, with tighter fitting skates.
Any recommendations on purchasing figure skates?
We recommend leather figure skates, as plastic will not support your ankles and feet properly. Your skates must fit snugly for proper support. Tie up your skates tight around your foot and ankle. You should not be able to fit your hand between your ankle and the tongue of the skate.
Does MIT Recreation offer skate sharpening?
Yes, visit the main desk to pay and then drop your skates off (with the receipt) to the skate rink office during general skate.
How do I purchase and schedule a massage?
You can schedule your massage either in the app or at the front desk. To purchase sessions in the app:
1. Download and login to the Mobile MIT Recreation app (Android or Apple).
2. From the landing page, select “Explore” on the bottom Menu Bar.
3. Click “Reservations”, select “Massage by Room”
4. Choose your ideal date, and Massage duration. To view Therapist names and pronouns, click ‘Advanced Options’, ‘All Massage Therapists’.
5. Proceed and find the time slot that works best for you! If you do not see any time slots on a given day, either the Massage Therapist onsite is fully booked, or there are no available Therapists that day.
What safety precautions are being taken and what are the steps to begin using massage therapy services?
Prior to your first session, we must verify your Membership and obtain an updated Health History Form.
- For more information on Memberships, visit this page.
- If you have any questions in the meantime please email: massagetherapy@mit.edu
While we look forward to having you as a returning guest to our massage therapy program at the Zesiger Sports & Fitness Center at MIT, we need to make you aware of new requirements and policies.
- A 15 minute window between massage sessions is built in to complete a deep cleaning of the space, filter the space with a HEPA air filter, and allow therapists to complete all required tasks.
- Massage appointments must be booked in advanced prior to your session.
- A Health History Form must completed 48hours prior to your service.
- Cancellation Policy & No Show: any cancellation that occurs with less than 24 hours-notice or any appointment that is missed will still be charged for a single session.
Where is the massage room?
The massage room is located in W35-325 (the Zesiger Sports & Fitness Center, 120 Vassar St.) Go to the third floor of W35 and take an immediate right into the office suite. The massage room is the first door on the right. If you need help, our staff can assist you with further directions.
What do I wear during my massage?
You can wear comfortable athletic clothes or just your undergarments, whatever makes you most comfortable. Our massage therapists learn how to properly drape with towels and sheets as part of their professional training.
Do I have to tip the massage therapist?
Tipping is completely up to the client, most of our clients at MIT do tip our therapists, but you are not required to. They take cash or venmo!
Do I need to bring my own golf clubs?
For Golf Lessons, you can choose to bring your own clubs or use the ones provided by our instructor (both right and left handed, youth and adult sizes).
For Golf Range reservations and use of the Golf Simulator, members and guests are welcome to use the MIT Recreation golf clubs provided, which include a selection of men’s and women’s clubs.
Can I practice golf outside my lesson time?
Yes, members, non-members and guests can make a reservation for the Indoor Golf Range to access the Golf Simulator. Learn more and make a reservation here.
How long can I reserve the Golf Range and Golf Simulator for?
There is only one hour of booking time permitted per host, per day. If you are playing in a group, another member of the group can book another hour as the host.
How do I reserve a squash court?
Members can reserve a court online, in the MIT Recreation app, or by calling 617-253-9485.
*Reservations are not available for non-members.
Note: Squash court reservations can be made up to 24 hours in advance; for 1 hour per day.
Are squash racquets available to rent?
We do not have racquets for rent, but we do sell racquets, goggles, and squash balls at the main desk of the Zesiger Center.
Temporary Guest Passes
What does a guest pass give me access to?
A guest pass gives you access to DAPER’s main complex (i.e. Z Center, Johnson, Rockwell, duPont), the Alumni Pool and Wang Fitness Center, plus our Outdoor Tennis Courts, Fields, Track, drop-in Group Ex classes marked as free are included.
After I purchase a pass how do I access the facility?
After purchasing a pass, temporary pass holders need to download the MIT Recreation mobile app prior to arriving. Your access barcode should be at the top of the app’s home page and can be added to your phone’s wallet if preferred.
To gain access to the facility you will scan your barcode at the entrance desk. If this is your first time visiting, or the first time since March of 2020, you may not have a barcode number. If this is the case please see a staff member and provide proof of ID so we can add a number to your guest profile.
What amenities are included with temporary passes?
All temporary pass holders have access to day lockers. Towel service is no longer available to non-members. We recommend that you bring your own towel and lock. Shower towels and locks can also be purchased from our pro shop.
How do I use an unused guest pass that was purchased prior to COVID-19?
Guests with unused day passes purchased prior to April 2020 have a credit on their account. Credits can be applied to a membership, temporary pass, program, pro shop item, etc. but can only be redeemed in-person.
Can I purchase a package of guest passes in advance?
Guest pass packages are no longer available but week and month passes are. All passes are active beginning on the day of purchase.
Is it possible to purchase a pass on the MIT Recreation app?
Unless you have a credit on your account temporary passes must be purchased through our website.
Is there a temporary pass option for families?
A three-month family summer pass will be available to purchase beginning on June 1st. The family pass gives facility access to a main member, spouse or partner, and children under 18 (or 18-22 with a student ID). Caretakers are required to purchase a separate individual pass.
Are there discounts available for guest passes?
There’s a single price for guest passes. Student discounts are not available. There’s no charge for children 2 and under.
How can I view my leftover guest pass credit amount?
Login to your account profile to view your balance. The amount should be listed at the top of the main page. If you’re having difficulty with your login, do not create a new account. Please email memberservices@mit.edu and include your ID # (if applicable) so we can update your email address on the account. You should receive a password reset link once the account has been reset.