March 9, 2016

Rijul – Swim More, Stress Less

We all deserve a break from over-analyzing and perfecting our work both academically and professionally. Whether it is for a few minutes throughout your day or a few hours throughout your week, the need to take a break is something that connects us all and provides us with opportunities to support each other’s efforts towards maintaining balance. Well, MIT Graduate Student Rijul Kochar has found his source for balance at the Z Center pool.

For Rijul, swimming transcends the physical benefits of an active lifestyle and serves as a means to managing stress. Originally from India, Rijul has been consistently utilizing our facilities since August of 2015, and has derived a healthy connection with peers and staff who share in valuing the moments spent swimming and working out. Positive relationships, even just a smiling face, are an added benefit to his regularly scheduled recreation. This is a summary of what his experience has been:

What Rijul Likes Best About MIT Recreation

“Since I use a wheelchair for mobility, I am in love not only with the disability-accessible environment of the Z Center, but also the supportive and interesting staff that I encounter here. I find myself yearning for a great workout whenever I can get away from work, and I realize that in addition to the facilities, it is the smiling face of MIT Rec Sports staff that I find inviting.”

Rijul’s Goals

“I want to continue to maintain my current regimen, which is about an hour of freestyle swimming, on average, 4 times a week.

But physical well-being is only part of the attraction of working out; swimming is a fabulous way to get rid of stress, empty one’s mind; or to think (underwater).”



Now, we challenge you to find out what keeps you connected to your recreation experience; to recognize reasons beyond the physical that motivate you to keep up with your routine. We also challenge you to be that smiling face that helps support those around you.